
Final Walk-Through Issues That Can Crush a Real Estate Deal

Before you seal the deal on your real estate contract, you’ll want to do one last thing after all is said and done – perform a final walk-through of the home. Anything can happen from the day you visit the home to closing. A final walk-through is extremely important for buyers to identify any issues that go against the contract. If there are any, they could delay closing or crush the deal completely.

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INFOGRAPHIC: 11 Things Home Buyers Are Looking For

Regardless of whether or not it’s a seller’s market, it’s always helpful if your home has the features that buyers are looking for. Here are the top 11 characteristics that today’s buyers want when shopping for a new home.

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Your Lease is Up: Should You Renew?

Your lease is almost due to expire: should you renew it, or consider entering the world of homeownership? It’s not uncommon for Americans to begin life on their own as a renter when moving out of their parents’ homes or graduating from college. Student loans can make it tough to start out as a homeowner right from the get-go, and housing prices aren’t exactly cheap.

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6 Tips to Ensure a Prompt Closing

The entire homebuying process can take a long time. Imagine all the homes you have to look at before you find “the one.” Even after you’ve negotiated a deal and your offer is accepted, there’s still the escrow period to have to go through, which can be a lengthy process itself.

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8 Tips For Furnishing an Odd-Shaped Room

Furnishing a symmetrical rectangular room is pretty simple, especially if you’ve got ample space to work with. But how exactly do you go about arranging furniture in an odd-shaped space without it looking like everything’s just been thrown together with little forethought?

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INFOGRAPHIC: California Sales Report For May 2017

The housing market in California picked up some steam in May as existing home sales and median home prices inched up from both the month and year before. Here are some pertinent stats on California’s housing market for May 2017, gathered by the California Association of Realtors (CAR).

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Grads! How to Snag Your First Apartment

You’re fresh out of college, and now real life really begins. After you’ve landed yourself a great job thanks to your diploma or degree, your next step is to find a place of your own. Adjusting to a new life outside of college can be daunting and overwhelming, and having to find your first apartment to rent just adds to that stress. But with the right plan in place, the process doesn’t have to be as difficult as you may think.

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INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Newbie Homebuyer Mistakes That Should Be Avoided

It goes without saying that a home purchase is a big deal and is probably the biggest investment you’ll ever make. If you’re a first-time buyer, make sure you avoid these potentially costly mistakes.

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Buying in a Planned Community? 5 Things You Should Do First

If you’re looking to buy a home that’s located in a community filled with all the amenities that will make life in your new neighborhood an enjoyable one, then a planned community might be a viable option.

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INFOGRAPHIC: 10 Creative Ways to Slash Your Energy Bill This Summer

As the temperature continues to rise as we head deeper into summer, the energy – and money – needed to keep our homes cool can skyrocket.

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